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Why You Need a Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Baltimore Motorcycle Accident Attorney can help you pursue compensation for both your economic and non-economic damages following a crash. These include loss of income, healthcare costs, property damage, and pain and suffering.

They also understand how insurance companies work and are able to identify the right evidence for your case. They can also ensure all deadlines are met when filing paperwork.

Motorcycle accidents are often catastrophic, as motorcyclists have fewer safety features than drivers of passenger vehicles. They may suffer injuries that require long-term treatment or result in life-altering conditions. The medical bills and other expenses can quickly become overwhelming, especially if the injury prevents the victim from working. A proficient attorney can calculate the full value of the victim’s claim and ensure that they are adequately compensated.

A skilled New York Motorcycle Accident Attorney will have a comprehensive understanding of the laws that apply to your case. They will know how to build a strong case using evidence such as police reports, medical records, witness statements and other documentation. They will also have a firm understanding of the tactics insurance companies use to shift blame and reduce payouts, and can effectively counter them.

Depending on the circumstances, multiple parties can be held responsible for a motorcycle accident. This includes the driver of the vehicle, their employer if they are employed by a delivery company such as Uber or Lift, a construction company if the crash was caused by an unsafe road condition, and government agencies for negligent maintenance of the roadways. An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer will know how to properly identify and pursue all available claims against these parties to maximize the victim’s settlement.

If you are considering hiring a New York Motorcycle Accident Attorney, it is important to make an appointment to meet with them as soon as possible after the crash. This will give the attorney the opportunity to review all the documentation and gather information before it is lost or destroyed. You should bring any documents, photos and videos you have saved related to the crash.

Knowledge of the Legal System

When you’re injured in a motorcycle accident, the medical expenses can add up quickly. The same goes for repairing or replacing your bike and loss of income from missing work. An experienced attorney can determine the anticipated costs of your care, and fight for a full recovery of those damages.

Choosing a reputable lawyer takes some research. Talk to friends, family members, coworkers, and other people in your network about the lawyers they use. Ask whether the lawyers they recommend have won cases similar to yours. Then, schedule a consultation with each of them to see whether they would be a good fit for your case.

A good motorcycle accident attorney can help you decide whether to negotiate with the insurance company or go to trial. They’ll be able to assess the accident scene and make recommendations based on their experience. They’ll also be able to tell you how much compensation you should expect based on your injuries and other losses.

Your lawyer should keep in touch with you throughout your case, so you don’t feel forgotten or left in the dark. They’ll keep track of the details of your claim, and ensure that it’s filed within the statute of limitations. They’ll also help you to save important information related to your accident and injury, such as receipts, doctor notes, lifestyle changes, or medical bills. These items can prove that you’ve incurred real and substantial losses that are part of your claim for monetary damages. In addition, an attorney can evaluate this information and advise you on what else you may want to save. 

Access to Experts

If your attorney has access to a network of experts in a variety of fields, they can use them to support your case. This can be crucial to building a strong claim against the other driver involved in your crash. Experts can testify about the severity of your injuries and provide an opinion on what your medical bills may be. They can also offer insight into what a court will consider fair compensation for your damages.

An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer can help you find an expert that is right for your case. You should always review the credentials of a potential expert and consider their reputation and past clients before hiring them for your case. A good way to find a reliable expert is to look for client testimonials, particularly on third-party sites rather than the lawyer’s website. Positive client testimonials can be an indicator that a prospective expert will fight for you to get the maximum payout possible.

Your lawyer will work with your insurance company to get all of the necessary information for your case. This may include obtaining and documenting evidence that can support your claim, like police reports and witness statements. They will also work with other liable parties to determine their responsibility and the percentage of your overall losses that they are responsible for.

Injured motorcyclists often suffer from severe injuries and have to pay for expensive treatment. They may also lose income from being unable to work while recovering. The experienced attorneys at Rheingold, Giuffra, Ruffo, & Plotkin LLP can help victims recover the compensation they need. They have extensive experience with negotiating with insurance companies to get maximum compensation for their clients.

Negotiation Skills

If you suffer serious injuries in a motorcycle accident, your medical bills are likely to be quite substantial. Between hospital stays, surgery, medications, X-rays and checkups, and rehabilitation fees, you could be facing thousands or even tens of thousands in expenses in the immediate and long term. In addition, you may be missing out on income if your injuries leave you out of work for an extended period. A skilled attorney will be able to accurately evaluate how much your injuries are worth and will fight for that amount in negotiations with insurance providers.

Skilled attorneys understand the tactics employed by insurance companies in an effort to lower settlement amounts, enabling them to fend off these attempts and secure fair compensation packages that cover all damages, including but not limited to immediate and future care costs, property damage repair costs, lost income, pain and suffering and more. In the event that settlement negotiations do not result in an equitable outcome, experienced lawyers possess the capacity to institute a personal injury lawsuit on your behalf, fighting passionately for your rights in court.

An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer will be able to comprehensively investigate your accident, ensuring that all relevant evidence is gathered and presented. This evidence could include police reports, witness testimonies, expert opinions, accident reconstructions, and other vital documentation. This enables them to construct a robust case that supports your claims and positions you favorably in any legal proceedings. Moreover, an experienced attorney will be able to determine whether your case should settle through mediation or should proceed to trial. While about 95 percent of all personal injury cases do not require a trial, your lawyer’s extensive experience will give you the best chance of achieving a settlement without going to court.

Representation in Court

A motorcycle accident attorney can ensure that you receive the full amount of compensation available. They are familiar with the tactics insurance companies use to try and shift blame onto motorcyclists, and can anticipate these arguments before they’re made. This can prevent you from being unfairly blamed for the crash and can help you avoid any unnecessary delays or denials of your claim.

The legal team at a firm will work to gather and document all evidence in support of your case. They will also assist with determining liability. In many cases, this can be difficult to do. It is important that you do not discuss the incident with anyone, including witnesses, as anything you say could be used against you later in court. This is especially true if you apologize even out of politeness.

In some cases, it may be possible to sue a third party for contributing to your accident. A lawyer will be able to review the facts of your case and determine if there are other parties that may be liable under New York’s system of contributory negligence laws.

They will also be able to make sure that any liens placed by your health insurance provider are properly handled. This can help prevent them from trying to reclaim their funds from the at-fault party after you recover your settlement or jury award.

In some cases, an at-fault party’s actions might be so shocking that special “punitive damages” might be awarded to the victim of the crash. These aren’t meant to compensate the victim, but rather serve as a warning to others that such behavior is unacceptable. An experienced attorney can evaluate your case and determine whether or not punitive damages are warranted.